
These days a great number of brewers are seeking ways to broaden their product lines by packaging beer in clear or green bottles rather than dark ones in order to attract attention to highlight the beer color and catch the eye of certain consumers.

Therefore, how does the process of making green or clear beer in bottles vary from the process for making dark bottled beer?

What is the difference between hop products used for clear or green versus dark bottle beer products?

Regardless of the type of beer, it must go through the following brewing process:

Milling-> Mashing-> Lautering-> Boiling-> Whirlpool-> Cooling-> Fermentation-> Filtration-> Packaging

However, it is worth mentioning that hop products are used in the brewing process of clear/green vs dark bottled beer.

Alpha and beta acids, essential oils, polyphenols, and other substances are often found in hops. The bitter acids, or alpha acids, are light-sensitive. Two solutions have been developed by brewers to avoid damaging beer quality: The initial approach is to pack the beer into dark bottles to prevent as much light exposure as possible far from it. Thus, there are no limitations on the use of hop products in the creation of dark bottled beer. The other option is to use “light-stable” hop extracts, including those found in Kettle Redihop®, PHA®, Tetra hop®, Hexa hop®, and Redi hop® products, to package the beer in clear or green bottles. These products have all had alpha acid removed by isomerization of alpha acid to create iso-alpha acid and rho iso-alpha acid, which are light-stable substances, used to produce clear or green bottled beer, and does not create offaromas like lightstruck (3-MBT). Therefore, to produce clear or green bottled beer, it is necessary to use specialized products for each stage.

HMG is always proud of being represented BarthHaas, specializing in providing the most advance, inoovative and high-quality hop products, and always winning the trust of brewers in Vietnam. For full information on hops products, please get in touch with the HMG team directly


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